Saturday, April 17, 2010

Émission de la mi-avril 2010

Comme vous savez, notre association avec la station est terminée pour le moment. Nous serons peut-être de retour sur leurs ondes cet automne. En attendant, l'émission change un peu de format. Fini le blabla et les freestyles. On vous kick juste 76 minutes de bons beats relativement récent et moyennement bien mixé ;) .

Voici les albums qui vous réchauffer votre printemps. D'abord, La Connecta, un groupe français a sorti un excellent EP qu'il faut écouter. Il y a aussi Nouvel R et Clermont du coté francophone, mais ils ne sont pas aussi Boom Bap que Playmack qui sort son nouveau single "Vrai Hip Hop". Checkez le vidéo qui s'en vient! Louis Logic, The Optimen, Moka Only & Factor et Very ont aussi sorti de bons albums qui devrait plaire à leurs fans. De la Soul a sorti un album d'unreleased tracks et Dj Jazzy Jeff remixe ses meilleurs classiques sur un nouvel album au son très jazzy. Diction dirait que ça accote pas les originaux mais c'est quand même une bonne écoute. En plus, on a les nouveaux albums de Devin the Dude et de Cypress qui rappent toujours à propos de... vous savez quoi.

Download notre dernier mix pi bump ça dans ton ipod!

Je vais trouver un moyen de le mettre en podcast pour ceux qui sont abonné dans Itunes.

Album de la semaine: Guilty Simpson - OJ Simpson

Diction's review


Pretty much one of the heaviest hip hop albums I've ever heard. We already know Guilty for having a very rugged and straight to your face style and he hasn't changed a single bit here. Madlib laced him with some of his deadliest beats, these are really heavy and even quite hard to digest. Versatility as always been one of Madlib's strongest assets and he once again goes with a sound he hasn't done before, I can't think of a single project he's done that sounds close to this (not even the pre-album "Before the Verdict"). At first I was sort of alienated by the whole thing, loved the beats and the raps but it seemed like they didn't really match together but after a few more spins it started making sense and working pretty well. I'm seeing lots of people complain about the skits and interludes, but I don't mind them since they have pretty ill beats. Skits have never really bothered me, but when they have dope Madlib beats in them that's quite great. There is quite lots of those tho and sometimes you'd wish that Guilty would spit more on the album, but that just makes you cherish his verses even more. The whole album has the Madlib touch from top to bottom, it really feels like one of his project and that means that it's not your typical hip hop album (cause really what hip hop album sounds like OJ Simpson?). Another incredible one for Madlib, along with the Beat Konducta in Africa album, he his running things in the 2-0-1-0.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Émission du 7 avril 2010

L'émission est annulée indéfiniment à cause d'un malentendu avec la direction de

Alex a "hate" une fois de trop... Choq se choque... Sorry Necro...

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