Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Émission du 21 mars

Ce soir à l'émission,
On vous diffuse les compils Definitive Swim, les crates de Buckwild & Asterisk vol 4, de QN5. On vous kick aussi du Hieroglyphics, du Pharoahe et du EPMD . On vous présente aussi Black Panther, Dirty Diggers & Akira the Don.

Download l'émission ici!

Album de la semaine: El-P - I'll sleep when you're dead (Avertissement: Cet album est très bizarre... for advanced listeners only)


Lyrics: 3.75
Beats: 4.0

Is El-P a rap legend? He does have a great career with influential albums like Company Flow's "Funcrusher Plus" & Cannibal Ox's "The Cold Vein". He did change hip hop music now looking back at it. Funcrusher Plus is the root of all the "abstract hip hop" that came out in the past 10 years. El-P got his own unique way of rhyme blastin the listeners with a rapid delivery of hardcore rhymes. On this album El-P provides some truly chaotic beats, they are loud & distorted with offbeat drum patterns. Everything is blasted at you at a rapid pace, this is a very challenging album. It doesn't really get more hardcore than this. After a few listenings I found the album to be quite rewarding with all the details that are in the beats. They evolve with the song, this is executed with much finesse. This is the best album Def Jux have released in a while and I think it's this is the type of album that hip hop needs right now. Something that will get critical acclaim on an indie label that will reach good sales. I'm proud of El-P for this album, it's as good as his older stuff which hip hop veterans rarely get to do. This is definitely recommended to those who are tired of always hearing the same old same old, El-P is pushing the boundaries of hip hop with some very original shit. I'm ready to call him a legend now, he's accomplished enough to get the title.

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